Geographical indication registration in Iran.

A geographical indication is a mark that attributes the origin of a goods to a territory or region of a country, provided that the quality and quality, reputation or other characteristics of the commodity are essentially attributable to its geographical origin.

Based on Article 5 – The following geographical indications shall not be protected in Iran:

(A) Marks which do not comply with the definition in paragraph (a) of Article (1).
(B) Signs contrary to Shari’a standards, good morals, or public order.
(C) Signs which are not supported, stopped or abandoned in their country of origin within the framework of the treaties to which Iran has joined.

Article 8 – The following shall be stated in the application in Iran:

A. The name, address, nationality and legal status of the applicant.
(B) the geographical indication for which registration is requested.
(C) the place to which the geographical indication relates.
(D) Goods to which the geographical indication relates.
(E) the quality, quality, reputation and other characteristics of the commodity to which the geographical indication applies.

Article 10 – Manufacturers shall be authorized to use registered geographical indications if the following conditions are fulfilled:

(A) The goods have the quality, quality, fame and other characteristics mentioned in the relevant registration certificate.
(B) The place of business of the manufacturer of the said geographical area registered in the certificate.
